Values and Guiding Principles

Place-based Education

To foster student engagement and self-directed learning, Top of the Hill curriculum will include both classroom and outdoor learning.  The outdoor and environmental learning will enhance student and community connection.  

Positive Influencers

Value based education and character formation that fosters honesty, integrity, trust, respect, and discipline based on a Christian worldview has the potential to produce positive influencers in their communities and the country.

Problem Solving

We value an education that reinforces mastery of transferrable skills, dispositions, and knowledge that can be leveraged to support learners to solve current and future problems.


An education at the Top of the Hill School will value and promote leadership skills by reinforcing critical thinking, problem solving, and civic responsibility, to prepare future leaders in the country.


Top of the Hill School will be driven by a biblical worldview that will promote honesty, transparency, and ethical conduct in all academic and social interactions.

Gratitude and Appreciation

Top of the Hill School will celebrate success and honor those who serve the school in any capacity, including volunteers, parents, teachers, administrators, and donors.


 Top of the Hill will strive for excellence in character formation, Arts and Sports Science, Social sciences, and STEM.

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